A collection of tools I use to make my life and work simple.

Information Overflow Management

Pocket: Read articles
Notion: My second brain. Collect everything in there.

Terminal on steroids

oh-my-zsh: Themes etc for zsh
tmux: Steep learning curve. But worth it.
bat: A better version of cat
rip: Safe version of rm -rf
colorls: Beautify your ls
ntfy: Send notification using terminal


:warning: I do not support piracy :warning:

Radarr: Download movies
Sonarr: Download TV series
Jackett: Indexer for the above stuff
ruTorrent: Torrent downloader
Plex: Media player to watch torrented content


Pushover: Get notification on my Android
aria2: IDM for terminal


Dell 5402: Lightweight and does the job.
Seedbox: 1TB HDD, 1Gbps, 6TB bandwidth.
Raspberry Pi 2B(1GB): Runs as a file-sharing and media server.
Raspberry Pi 4B(8GB): Local development playground.